Lindungi rumah anda dari risiko kebakaran & juga isi kandungan isi rumah.

Jenis Perlindungan untuk rumah dan isi rumah disebabkan oleh:
- Kebakaran, kilat, dan letupan domestik
- Kebocoran atau limpahan tangki air, peralatan atau paip domestik
- Kerugian hasil sewa sehingga 10% daripada jumlah yang diinsuranskan
- Kecurian yang melibatkan kemasukan secara paksaan dan keganasan ke dalam rumah
- Bencana alam termasuk banjir, ribut, taufan, ribut angin, dan lain-lain
Anda boleh menambah perlindungan dengan pilihan manfaat berikut:
- Rusuhan, mogok, dan kerosakan akibat keganasan.
- Ketiadaan penghuni melebihi 90 hari.
- Kecurian tanpa melibatkan kemasukan secara paksaan dan keganasan ke dalam rumah / kecurian berpunca daripada pembantu rumah, atau ahli keluarga / penghuni rumah, dan banyak lagi.
Nota: Kalau untuk premis perniagaan ambil polisi kebakaran
Jenis Manfaat | Bangunan | Isi Bangunan |
Fire, Lightning, and Explosion caused by gas used for domestic purposes | ||
Aircraft and aerial devices or articles dropped therefrom | ||
Impact damage by road vehicles or animals | ||
Bursting or overflowing of water tanks, apparatus or pipes | ||
Theft by actual forcible and violent breaking into and out of the house | ||
Hurricane, Cyclone, Typhoon, Windstorm | ||
Earthquake or Volcanic Eruption | ||
Flood | ||
Loss of Rent – Limit 10% of Total Sum Covered | ||
Liability to the third parties for accidents in your house – Limit of Liability up to RM50,000 | ||
Contents temporarily removed from the house – Limit 15% of total sum covered on contents | x | |
Damage to mirrors, other than hand mirrors – Limit RM500 per piece any one accident | x | |
Compensation on Death of the Participant; due to fire or robbery where there is violent and forcible entry to the house – Limit RM10, 000 or one-half of the Sum Insured on contents whichever is lower | x | |
Domestic helper’s property | x |
Manfaat Tambahan
Jenis Manfaat | Bangunan | Isi Bangunan |
Riot, Strike and Malicious Damage | ||
Increase Limit of Liability to the public up to a maximum limit of RM250,000 | ||
Increase limit for loss of rent | ||
Unoccupancy in excess of ninety (90) days | x | |
Theft without actual forcible and violent breaking into and/or out excluding theft by domestic servants or member of family/household | x |
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